Make Art and Save the Earth
My friend Tam from Willowing Arts has been worried about climate change for a while now just as I am, and she wanted to make a meaningful contribution to the 'fight against climate change'. This is how the Art for Earth Project was born! This is the third time she is running this project and so far she has raised over £45,000+ GBP (approx $60,000 USD) for Treesisters, an organisation that plants trees all over the world! This year, she is running it again and I’m proud to be part of it! Tam collected together over 45 amazing mixed media artists who have all contributed one or more art resources (like an art course, e-book, printable PDF or other art item) to the Art for Earth Package! It contains over 85+ amazing art resources including some brand new courses that have not been published before! They were especially created for this package deal. My contribution to this package is a tutorial for this painting using watercolors, inks and pencils. The video is almost 1h15 mns and I really love the effects that I got. I created this class just for Art for Earth :). And a 20% off coupon my online classes. I never discount my classes and I do not plan on doing so again. I hope you join us as I truly believe that planting trees is an absolutely essential part for fighting climate change and restoring ecosystems.
Click here to see a complete list of all the products in this package! The Art for Earth Package is valued at over £2900+ GBP (about $4000), but will be sold for only £85 GBP (about $112)! It will be on sale for 7 days only and 25% of all sales will go to an amazing organization that helps improve our climate. They are called Tree sisters and they are a group of women spread out all over the world with a mission to plant trees and a focus on tropical reforestation.
They say: “Vision & Mission of Tree Sisters: TreeSisters exists to elicit collective responsibility for planetary restoration at the grass roots level with a focus on women and tropical reforestation. We are growing a global network of women who donate monthly to fund the acceleration of tropical reforestation as an expression of collective planetary care. We channel 80% of member donations to exemplary existing reforestation organizations in the tropics with whom we partner to restore ecosystems. The remaining 20% funds our behavior change and consciousness shift work with women to reinstate feminine leadership, and normalize collective ownership of planetary restoration.”
This package contains some fabulous art resources by some of the most popular mixed media teachers in our community! I hope you'll buy this wonderful package of awesome art goodies and help the earth while making art!
With love and appreciation,