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food, French, French life, personal life, recipes -

Like most (all?) French people I think that good food is the greatest gift you can give your loved ones... and that includes you!

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Dare I say we were merry? Yes I do.

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artist life, personal life, stress -

Today was a difficult parenting day with one kid having minor surgery and the other one having a melt down over a lot of homework, not enough outdoor time in the past 2 days.

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books, culture, links, Marija Gimbutas, woman, youtube channels -

If you don't know about Marija Gimbutas I invite you to watch this video and read her books.  She was a Lithuanian-American archaeologist and anthropologist known for her research into the Neolithic and Bronze Age cultures of Old Europe.

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art, business life, culture, woman -

Hide that nipple woman.

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